Making her breathe – October 2022 Enews

Making Her Breathe Even though I trained in a local iteration of the Iona Collaborative, I am the first person on a priest track to be ordained in my diocese via this formation method. This means that I don’t regularly run into either multi-vocational clergy, or locally trained individuals. As soon as I was offered…

Known and Unknown

Just for a moment, imagine a lighted, furnished dining room:   I see into the room and you see into the room yet when asked “What do you see?” our responses most often differ. One of us most likely will describe the room, perhaps remarking on the size and shape of it, while the other…

I Want to Come Back

An email came to my inbox that I thought for sure was spam. It was advertising a free weekend in Texas and right before I moved it into the junk file I saw my Bishop’s name- she had nominated me. Well Okay! I looked at it again and then I agreed to go.  That first…

September ’22 Enews – Darkness & Glitter

“Then the people stood at a distance, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.” – Exodus 20:21 I’ve been reflecting on this verse for many months now ever since I listened to Jemonde Taylor’s Theological Reflection at the Philadelphia Gathering. I find such profound comfort in the image of Moses getting…

August ’22 ENews – Throwing Open the Doors

(Written as the Curator’s letter for the August 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.) Throwing Open the Doors When my alarm went off this morning, I noted it was just a little darker outside that I’ve grown used to. In my town we celebrate the United States Coast Guard with a week long…

Saying Yes

God’s Plan is a hip-hop song that was written and performed by the Canadian rapper, Drake.  Now if you don’t know who Drake is, you can ask your teenage children or teenage grandchildren, or even ask your 20-40 something children or grandchildren, I’m certain 99 percent of them can tell you who he is and…