Filling the tank

When I signed up to attend my first Gathering of Leaders I had no clue that I was about to accept a new call, to leave the place where I had rector for the first time. At the time, I signed up to be inspired, to meet people across the church, to breathe in some cooler air, and perhaps even to rest a little bit – let’s be honest – to rest A LOT. But I showed up in Michigan having been in my new call all of about 2 months with the proverbial gas tank on E, knowing that I had work piling up for me in the office, and wondering why my past self had signed up for this event. Y’all, I was tired. But on the road I went (well, on the jet plane, that is). 

And I’m glad I did. All of the things I had hoped for happened. I was inspired by great presentations by new colleagues and staff of GOL. I did meet a ton of people. It was cooler in Michigan than it was in Chapel Hill, NC (duh), and I was able to rest! Thanks be to God.

 It was more than all of this, though. It was the walking down the hallway together to get that first cup of coffee in the morning. Stumbling over someone I had just had a deep conversation with the night before as I reached for the creamer. It was taking a problem that had been keeping me up at night and bringing it before wise and trusted friends to ask for help and advice. It was fellowship, it was worship, it was connections. 

On the last night we celebrated the Eucharist and I was asked to play the piano for the service. The piano was located at the very back of the nave, so I had the distinct vantage point of looking at the back of everyone! But as we all faced towards that Table and we all sang those familiar hymns, I saw the Body of Christ strengthened through our worship of the Holy One – transforming, gathering, and sanctifying not only our individual selves, but us as a one in Christ. 

I am grateful for the time at the Gathering of Leaders. I am grateful because I left, not on E in that gas tank anymore, but with a sense that I was getting towards full again. Full from the time away, full from the inspiring stories of new colleagues, full from the love that only comes from the Holy. 

The Rev. Marion Sprott serves as the Transition Ministry Officer for the Diocese of North Carolina