August ’22 ENews – Throwing Open the Doors

(Written as the Curator’s letter for the August 2022 GOL E-News. Read the full newsletter here.)

Throwing Open the Doors

When my alarm went off this morning, I noted it was just a little darker outside that I’ve grown used to. In my town we celebrate the United States Coast Guard with a week long festival the first week of August, and for us, this festival signals the end of summer. Suddenly the crayons and notebooks are on sale and our minds turn to new school shoes and scheduling haircuts before picture day.

I’m excited to have welcomed the first dozen or so leaders as beta testers into our new Gather of Leaders Mighty Networks platform. Mighty Networks will, we hope, become the hub of our community. It offers places for fellowship and connection, a large resource library, space for questions and more. Haley and I have spent hours doing everything from branding the new site, to collecting resources, to deciding what layout is most intuitive for our members.

Near the end of the month we will usher in the first couple of waves of leaders into the Mighty Networks platform. I’m frankly excited to fill what has become sort of an echo chamber, a place where only a few of us hear our own voices. I’m really excited to throw open the doors and welcome all of you in to this, your space. I’m excited to grow in relationship with each of you as we have opportunities to get to know each other in future days and at future Gatherings. And I am honored to be your Community Curator as we seek, as an organization, to discern God’s dream and vision for the future of the church.



Communication & Community Curator, The Gathering of Leaders