July ’24 Enews – So Much Good News

So much good news

As we announced earlier this week, we are so thrilled to have exceeded our goals for our Network of Networks Major Gift Campaign. I join with Haley in thanking everyone for their generous giving and for the energy so many of you have infused into our networks this year.

We were also over the moon to see so many GOLers moving and shaking at General Convention this year! Presiding Bishop-elect, Sean Rowe is a GOLer and was a board member, and the newly elected VP to the House of Deputies, Steve Pankey, is also a GOLer. We are a network of networks from all corners of the church and all orders of ministry, representing a consistent message of hope for renewal and the creation and sustaining of disciples of Jesus.

As we roll toward the last weeks of summer our attention begins to turn to fall programs, raising up new leaders, and for us on the GOL staff, the remainder of our 2024 Gatherings. We have just two or three spaces left for Michigan in August and our Clergy Gathering in Washington is likewise only able to accept a few more folks before we move to a waitlist. If you’re a clergy and interested in either of these I’d recommend that you get registered!

We are actively recruiting for our Lay Leader Gathering in Arizona, scheduled to begin on October 21. Who are the lay leaders you know who are doing amazing work and need to be part of a network like ours? I’d encourage you to send this email to them and encourage them to inquire to join us.

We aren’t us without you, and it’s been such a joy to meet so many of you face to face this year! I’m excited for what we will be and do together in the future.

Alicia Hager

Community & Communications Curator

Read the full issue here.